The table below shows the different Kobo models and how to identify each one. The easiest way is to look at the model number on the bottom of the case and then find that code in the table.
Model Number | Model Name | Description | Year of Release |
N782 | Kobo Forma | Page turn buttons. Power button on the side of the eReader. Model number: N782 | |
N249 | Kobo Clara HD | Power button on the bottom of the eReader. 6" black-and-white display. Model number: N249 | |
N867 | Kobo Aura H2O | Two screws on the bottom of the device. Blue power button on back. Model number at the bottom of the eReader: N867 | |
N709 | Kobo Aura ONE | 7.8” edge-to-edge glass screen. Blue power button on back. Model number at the bottom of the eReader: N709 | |
N236 | Kobo Aura Edition 2 | 6" screen. Blue power button on back. Model number at the bottom of the eReader: N236 | |
N587 | Kobo Touch 2.0 | Silver power button on top centre. Hard back cover with granular finish and Kobo logo. Model number at the bottom of the eReader: N587 | |
N437 | Kobo Glo HD | Silver power button on top centre. Soft back cover with dotted pattern and Kobo logo. Model number at the bottom of the eReader: N437 | |
N250 | Kobo Aura H2O | Port cover on the bottom to protect Micro USB and Micro SD slots. Black power button on top right-hand side. Model number at the bottom of the eReader: N250 | |
N514 | Kobo Aura | Edge-to-edge black and white E Ink screen. Flat back with creased edges. Model number at the bottom of the eReader: N514 | |
N204B | Kobo Aura HD | Creased back with a dip in the centre. Model number at the bottom of the eReader: N204B | |
N613 | Kobo Glo | Light button beside the power slider on the top right edge. Model number at the bottom of the eReader: N613. | |
N705 | Kobo Mini | Small in size (102 mm x 33 mm or 4 in x 5.2 in). Power slider on the top right edge. No light button. Model number at the bottom of the eReader: N705. | |
N905, N905B, or N905C | Kobo Touch | Home button at the bottom. Model number at the bottom of the eReader: N905, N905B, or N905C. | |
N416 | Kobo Original | Blue navigation button on the front. Model number at the bottom of the eReader: N416. | |
N647 or N47B | Kobo Wireless | Black or white navigation button on the front. Model number at the bottom of the eReader: N647 or N47B. |